David Cohen |
student research group
images in Physics of Plasmas brochure
In fall 2024 I am teaching Astro 16 – Astrophysics:
Information about
astronomy and physics course offerings
My primary research interests involve the radiation-driven winds of hot, massive stars and their X-ray emission, which I study mostly via spectroscopy and modeling. I'm also interested in magnetic massive stars and their plasma magnetospheres and I've done some work on X-ray emission from pre-main-sequence stars as well. I have a long-standing interest in exoplanets and have worked on transiting systems along with my colleague Eric Jensen and many students, using our 24-inch telescope at the Peter van de Kamp Observatory. In the past I've worked on fusion-related plasmas and laboratory astrophysics experiments and modeling. |
Hot Star Winds |
X-ray Astronomy |
Laboratory Astrophysics |
Inertial Confinement Fusion |
cohen -at- astro -dot- swarthmore -dot- edu
Science Center 124